Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


Examinees may not receive assistance from the invigilator or anyone else during the exam. The examinee may not ask questions of the invigilator except in cases where there are technical issues with the LMS (i.e. user navigation, etc.). The invigilator must not interpret exam questions for the examinee as exam questions require the examinee to make their own interpretations or assumptions.


Cheating is a serious offence and subject to disciplinary action under Bylaw 11 (Code of Ethics). The invigilator overseeing the exam is responsible for ensuring that the exam rules are strictly followed. If an examinee or invigilator is uncertain about a particular scenario or situation before the exam, contact the Registrar or Registration Dept. staff to get clarification.

Any evidence of cheating that occurs during the exam should be noted in detail by the invigilator. The invigilator, member-designate or any other individual who knows or becomes aware that an examinee may have cheated or have failed to follow the exam rules in any way is obligated to notify the Registrar. Any member who is aware of an invigilator neglecting their invigilation obligations must immediately notify the Registrar.

Some examples of this offence are:
  1. Any recording of the exam screens, including taking screenshots, pictures, or video,
  2. Copying the exam questions or answers,
  3. Leaving mobile devices/smart phones, other web browsers, software applications, or other computers on during the exam,
  4. Bringing in resource materials other than those noted above (Closed book section),
  5. Allowing other individuals (other than examinee and invigilator) to come in and out of the room during the exam.

Closed Book Requirements

You cannot access any resources during the exam unless noted below. This means no resources of any kind are allowed, including LMS modules and LMS module resources, external websites, other software applications, or any other hardcopy resources. All other web browser tabs must be closed during the exam. Cell phones and all other electronic devices must be turned off for the exam. It is incumbent on both the member and the invigilator to adhere to this rule.

Exceptions to Closed Book Requirements

Only unmarked, printed copies of the specific documents listed in the table below are allowed during the exam as noted. The invigilator must ensure that only these approved resources are used during the exam and that they are unmarked before starting the exam. Online or digital resources are not allowed in any circumstance.

Translation dictionary (if needed)
All Exams
Trainee LMS Instructions
All Exams
Sponsor LMS Instructions
All Exams
FPBC Bylaws
1b Regulation and Ethics: Exam Only
Foresters Act
1b Regulation and Ethics: Exam Only


The exam is confidential; it cannot be copied, printed, saved, recorded, or reproduced in any manner at any time. The exam questions and answers cannot be disclosed or disseminated to anyone before, during, or after the exam under any circumstances, including during a study group session. Exam copies will not be provided for failed or passed exams.
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