Time Allotted and Attempts

Time Allotted and Attempts

The instructions below include important details on exam navigation and submitting your exam answers. 

Time Allotted

  1. Exams must be completed in one sitting. 
  2. Each exam has a specific amount of time allotted and a specific number of questions, which is clearly stated in the exam module. 
  3. Exams must be submitted within the time allotted, before the online exam timer expires. Once the timer expires, all responses at the time of expiration will be automatically submitted and graded, even if you did not click the 'Submit' button. Invigilators must be present for the entirety of the exam.


  1. Once your sponsor has entered the confidential PIN and you have clicked the 'Start attempt' button, your attempt will start, and the timer will begin to count down. 
  2. Once you submit your exam results and/or the time allotted for the exam expires, the exam is considered complete and cannot be restarted.
  3. You may retake the exam multiple times; however, you are only permitted one attempt at a time.
  4. You must wait 15 days between each attempt. This time should be spent reviewing the learning module. The system will automatically prevent you from retaking the exam until the 15-day period has passed. At any given time, you can log in to the LMS, access an exam module, click on the exam link, and the system will show you the date and time in which the exam will be available for you to re-take.

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