What is the Roadmap to Registration?
The FPBC registration process is a module-based approach built upon six experience areas that the profession believes are critical for forest professionals. This process is designed to build knowledge and a professional mind-set from the moment a new member is enrolled. The six experience area modules include the following:
- Regulatory Framework
- Professional Reliance
- BC Forest Professionals Working with Indigenous Communities
- Forest Legislation and Policy
- The Business of Forestry
- Communicating Professional Advice
Each FPBC designation then contains a varying set of modules from the experience areas listed above that comprise what is called your 'roadmap.' The modules must be completed online via the learning management system (LMS) in order to complete your registration process. The modules include a combination of the following:
- Orientation module: Provides an overview of the enrolled member process.
- All trainees are automatically enrolled and required to go through the orientation materials.
- All sponsors are automatically enrolled in a sponsor orientation module, as well.
- Learning modules: Provide information and learning materials, may contain embedded quizzes designed for knowledge retention. See Learning Modules for more information.
- Professional document submissions, including:
- Application modules: Require submission of professional documents for review and approval by a sponsor. See Application Modules for more information.
- Checkpoints: Key points within your roadmap where you must indicate completion of a specific task, after which an FPBC staff member will review and mark you as complete or provide feedback on missing materials/steps.
- Exam modules: Formally test your knowledge and understanding gained from completed learning modules.
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Special Requests
If you have a medical condition, learning disability, language barrier, or other extraordinary circumstances that may affect your exam, please see Section 3.1.5 of the Registration Procedures for details.